Via Sampolo n. 123
For members who prsenteranno Sicily Run the RUN CARD:
- 1st Free advice;
- Application of minimum rates of judicial and extrajudicial activities in the field of civil law, tax law and criminal law.
Via Sampolo n. 123
For members who prsenteranno Sicily Run the RUN CARD:
- 1st Free advice;
- Application of minimum rates of judicial and extrajudicial activities in the field of civil law, tax law and criminal law.
Via Eugenio Di Mattei n. 5
For members who prsenteranno Sicily Run the RUN CARD:
- 1st Free advice;
- Application of minimum rates of judicial and extrajudicial activities in the field of civil law, tax law and criminal law.
Via Isidoro Carini n.35
Advice by telephone or at the desired place completely free; br Free assistance in case of appointment of (the cost of care is paid by the insurance company).