
Indirizzo: Via Enna n. 7 - Villabate (PA)

Telefono: 3385403493 - 091490228


Coordinate GPS: 38.0756299; 13.440904100000012


Namio Serramenti

- 5% discount for small jobs;
- 10% discount on large jobs.

NAMIO SERRAMENTI is a company that deals with the processing of iron, aluminum and PVC.
We are qualified professionals who have allowed us to win more and more customers even in times of crisis, bearing witness that the quality of products always repays Su by Namio Serramenti
How many companies can boast of creating finished products, in the field of window frames, that really manage to satisfy their customers? Who has known us over the years is ready to confirm that in a sector where everyone is limited to fulfilling the simplest requests and to offer standardized services without any real difference between them, we go further and we have developed a series of products and certified and guaranteed services with high added value.
What does it mean? In other words, those who presented themselves to us for a simple job of frames have returned, sometimes even abandoning the old suppliers because they have experienced our skills with their own hands. All this has been possible thanks to the decades of experience we have gained and to the extremely competent people who work within our staff.
A group of qualified professionals that has allowed us to conquer more and more customers even in times of crisis, bearing witness that the quality of products always repays; quality that has become a real mantra for all the people who revolve around Namio Serramenti.
Namio brothers
Handicraft work of iron
Aluminum works of various kinds
Artisanal processing of PVC
Aluminum Fixtures

