
Indirizzo: Via Della Libertà n. 58 - Palermo (PA)

Telefono: 3929099743 - 3804377627


Coordinate GPS: 38.14497806073288; 13.342503144300622


ORMA Comunità Alloggio

- 10% discount on annual stays in single or double room;
- 10% discount on transient stays in single or double room.

Retirement home specializing in the treatment of senile dementias in Palermo
Orma Soc. Coop. Soc., Based in Palermo in via della Libertà 58, is a company that has been serving the elderly for years, providing the best care for each specific need.

At our retirement home, you will find specialized personnel, able to face the different physical and mental conditions of the guests.

In particular, thanks to specific training courses and with the help of professional therapists, we have developed an assistance service for Alzheimer's and senile dementia patients; two neurodegenerative diseases of the brain that increasingly affect aging.
Our team is made up of different professional figures who support all aspects of a person's everyday life, always guaranteeing careful medical and nursing care.

The assistance, 24 hours a day, guarantees continuous monitoring, also creating a relationship of trust with each subject, aimed at recreating an atmosphere that is always welcoming and familiar

