
Indirizzo: Via Baia Dorica - Vittoria (Rg)

Telefono: 3240918882


Coordinate GPS: 36.91701638719118; 14.413618871922978


Baia Dorica- Camping Village

- 5% discount on hotel rates for a minimum of 2 nights

The structure is located in Baia Dorica (Scoglitti) in the province of Ragusa and is 350 meters from the sea, from the town of Scoglitti (RG) 3,600 meters.

It is open all year round and is equipped with:
- camper parking pitches;
- area dedicated to tents:
- sanitary toilets;
- internal showers shared with hot water;

- outdoor showers with cold water;
- barbecue;
- refreshment bar;
- parking reserved for customers and not;
- waste water discharge.

- swimming pool (new)

The area is characterized by many beautiful places to visit such as Ragusa Ibla, Castello di Donnafugata, Marina di Ragusa, places of the fiction "il Commissario Montalbano" and many other places.

