
Indirizzo: Via Collegio - Roccalumera (ME)

Telefono: 3341202290 - 3899969545


Coordinate GPS: 37.97922; 15.39546


PARK JONIO - Area attrezzata

- 20% discount on official tariff weekend (Friday, Saturday and Sunday); - Discount on the price list in force at the camp: in the first 3 days 10%, while from 4 days 20% discount; - 10% discount on the price list in effect on the rental of mobile homes / caravans / cabins, cottages / small apartments / studios. nb: the break in the pitch from 5 x 8 load including drinking water, electricity, sewage discharge and clear water.

Park-Ionic is located near the center of town, and practically at a distance of about 100/150 meters from the seafront and from the magnificent beach where the sea is © transparent, fishy, Park Ionian can definitely be a good place to stop when traveling but also a possible destination where you can stop for a long time. The area is quiet and offers various possibilities for entertainment, you can opt for a walk or a bike tour to neighboring countries. Even in winter the climate is mild and you can easily visit the nearby cities: Taormina, Catania and Messina.


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